Tag Archives: real church

911 Call

This post here is one of most important because the Church is in a state of emergency.  It has lost its fear of God. It is beginning to accept things that the Father never intended for it to accept. 

If we ever want to be in a place where God will answer the prayers of His people then we must realize and understand who we are. 

This link that posted will deal with some of those issues.  I pray it encourages you to stay on the wall and cry loud and spare not.


Pastor Jackie Lambert

Click on link below :

The Church

It is evident regarding Christianity that there has been a merger with the Church and the world. The world is in no means impressed with the Church neither do they see the Church as any different from themselves. Any true Son of God feels the great burden of the sin of the Body. 

We can no longer walk in apathy towards sin and division in God’s Body. The scripture declares that we as Sons are His building (1 Cor 3:9) we are His holy habitation. We are a mystery among men. 

Psalms 82:6 declares that God has said that we are gods and children of the Most High but we shall die as men if we walk as men. 

We are in the hour where God is sending truth to His Church. The true Sons of God shall hear the sound thereof and another they will not follow. God in this day shall exalt Himself and prove His distinction from the world.

When the children of Israel came out of the wilderness they were ready to posses the land God had promised them. They were ready even though the land was filled with enemies that would fight to keep them out. Likewise the church is full of false prophets and antagonists who war against the truth but it does not stop God from proving who he is.

The real church is standing and taking its place in the kingdom of God yet being manifested in this world. The real church is not ashamed of the gospel of Jesus Christ. The real church is the holy habitation of God. The real church is willing to rejoice in the midst of hard trials, sufferings, and persecutions. 

We are free from sin and the liberty of the Spirit belongs to us. Our meat is to serve the Lord. The church is the great move of God. 

Are you apart of the real church? Then I say to you as the Father has said to me: rise up and take your place in the kingdom…

Be Blessed,

Pastor Jackie